领导人hip and Mentoring Initiatives

Springfield Technical Community 大学 (博彩网站) supports students to become leaders with opportunities such as 指导 groups, 学生活动及社团, 还有一个领导荣誉协会.

Female 领导人hip and 辅导计划 (Lead)

Lead项目 is designed to provide female students with the opportunity to take a leading role in their education. To provide more community/civic engagement opportunities and help develop a strong network. Along with promoting self-awareness, 自爱, 和信心, student participants will connect with professionals that will serve as mentors during their educational career. The 指导 model will consist of both 1.1和小组指导会议.

Male Initiative for 领导人hip and Education (MILE)

MILE项目 is designed to provide inclusive academic support, 指导, and community engagement opportunities to male students at 博彩网站. 学生 participants will connect with professionals who will serve as mentors throughout the student’s time at the college. The program will consist of 1:1 and group 指导, 技巧的研讨会, 社区服务, 辅导会议, 和建议.

学生活动 学生 领导人hip Opportunities

学生 Government Association (SGA)

学生会协会 is the forum through which students' viewpoints, 担忧, and input into campus governance are represented. Positions are filled by student volunteers who are interested in gaining valuable experience while improving campus life.

Three elected and several appointed student leaders meet regularly to focus on various student-related issues. 学生会主席, 学生会副主席, and student trustee are elected to fill one-year terms. The SGA has a variety of committees and welcomes student involvement. 校园活动委员会主席, 财务主管, and Club Liaison positions also play vital roles in ensuring our students have opportunities to participate in campus life.


学生大使计划 provides 博彩网站 students interested in developing leadership and communication skills with the opportunity to serve as role models, 提倡, and peer advisors to fellow students. Ambassadors educate students about the many resources available on campus and encourage involvement and engagement in campus life. Ambassadors work closely with college offices and campus initiatives including 学生活动 & Development and college-wide events and programs.

National Society of 领导人hip and Success (NSLS)

The National Society of 领导人hip and Success is the largest leadership honor society in the United States. Our NSLS chapter at Springfield Techincal Community 大学 was started in 2020. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with 700+ chapters and over 1.400万会员.